Raw Goat’s Milk


Raw Goat's Milk
$ 3 + Jar Deposit
  • Quart Jar - $2 Deposit Per Jar

Half Gallon

Raw Goat's Milk
$ 6 + Jar Deposit
  • Half Gallon Jar - $3 Deposit Per Jar
  • Quart Jar - $2 Deposit Per Jar


Raw Goat's Milk
$ 12 + Jar Deposit
  • Half Gallon Jar - $3 Deposit Per Jar
  • Quart Jar - $2 Deposit Per Jar

Welcome to our small, family-owned farm in Kingston, Oklahoma, where we proudly offer the purest and most delicious raw goat’s milk available for pick-up. As passionate farmers, we pour our heart and soul into crafting this extraordinary dairy product, ensuring it embodies the true essence of farm-fresh goodness.

Our raw goat’s milk is a labor of love that begins with our cherished goats. These gentle creatures are an integral part of our family, and we prioritize their well-being and happiness. They graze on lush pastures, basking in the sunshine and breathing in the fresh country air, resulting in milk of unparalleled quality.

From the moment our goats are milked, we handle the process with the utmost care and attention to detail. Each batch of milk is collected by hand and meticulously filtered to maintain its purity. We take pride in maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness throughout the entire milking and bottling process.

When you taste our raw goat’s milk, you’ll experience a sensation like no other. Its creamy texture and subtly sweet flavor are a testament to the freshness and purity that define our product. Free from any processing or additives, our milk preserves its natural nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, making it a wholesome choice for you and your family.

We understand that some individuals may have lactose sensitivities, which is why our raw goat’s milk offers a wonderful alternative. Many people find it easier to digest compared to cow’s milk, allowing them to enjoy the goodness of dairy without discomfort. It’s a nourishing and flavorful option for those seeking a dairy product that suits their dietary needs.

At our farm, we embrace our role as caretakers of the land and stewards of sustainable farming practices. By choosing our raw goat’s milk, you support a small, local farm that values quality over quantity and upholds the traditions of responsible agriculture. We take great pride in providing you with a truly exceptional and unforgettable dairy experience.

To savor the exquisite taste and health benefits of our raw goat’s milk, we invite you to visit our farm in Kingston, Oklahoma, for convenient pick-up. You’ll not only enjoy the freshest milk available but also witness the dedication and passion we pour into every aspect of our operation. We look forward to sharing the goodness of our raw goat’s milk with you and your loved ones.

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